How we choose our providers

ADA Member Advantage follows a multi-step due diligence process to bring you quality offers from providers you can trust.

Proven products and services

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A case study reveals how we select ADA Member Advantage endorsed products and services

Before federal regulations on the separation and recycling of amalgam took effect, ADA Member Advantage sought out an amalgam recovery product to endorse. The process took a full year to complete – but the steps involved show how careful due diligence leads  to the very best products and services for ADA members.

Candidate companies in the amalgam recovery space first underwent the exacting process required by the ADA’s Professional Product Review, which is completed by volunteer dentists on the ADA Clinical Evaluators (ACE) Panel.

Companies that passed this dentist-driven review were invited to submit proposals, which were thoroughly reviewed by a cross-functional ADA team of dentists and scientists. Two finalists were chosen and subjected to a deeper review which involved a closer look at their internal processes, marketing materials and financial statements.

After presentations to the ADA Member Advantage Board of Directors, which includes many volunteer dentists, a finalist emerged – HealthFirst, maker of the Rebec Environmental CatchHG® amalgam separator.

Next, we engaged an independent environmental consultant to visit HealthFirst, reviewing their amalgam handling processes to confirm they met the highest standards. ADA Member Advantage staff also visited HealthFirst’s facilities to meet with the account team responsible for assuring quality service for ADA members.

Only after all steps and evaluations were completed to our full satisfaction did ADA Member Advantage welcome HealthFirst as an endorsed provider for amalgam separation and recycling. We are gratified that ADA members now have access to an excellent amalgam product at competitive prices, backed by a lifetime guarantee – and a company that inspires trust.

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