Culture of Safety

Safety for your patients and your staff is everything. Review these helpful articles to help your practice stay safe and compliant.

Culture of Safety hero image
Medical Emergency Prep
How can we prepare the office to successfully manage medical emergencies that may occur?
HIPAA Checklist image
Complete the free HIPAA checklist from ADA Member Advantage endorsed Compliancy Group.
Dental Office Emergencies image
Medical emergencies can (and do) occur in dentistry. A culture of safety can lessen risks.
Pharma Disposal Protocols image
Unused/expired drug disposal should follow a routine protocol in every dental practice.
Avoid Misunderstandings image
The Affordable Care Act may make translation services a dental office necessity.
Secure Communication image
Collaborate on complex dental cases easily, securely.
Contactless Payment Tips image
3 ways to accept contactless payments and 3 tips to do it securely.
Equipment Safety Check-up image
Dear doctor: it’s time for your six-month equipment safety check-up.